dwell in possiblilty...

For the most part, when we think big and it is human driven - you better watch out. there are a few rare exceptions. Gage is one of them. It was one of our many trips to the dollar store, probably almost a year ago. They each got to pick out something and Gage picked out a rubber toilet plunger. We tried to talk him out of it but he wasn't having any of it. He has used it every which way...except as a toilet plunger. I have seen material tied around it and positioned in places, quite unexpected. Other than him and maybe a rare few others - dwell in possibility should be left up to Someone Else. Why? I will tell you why.

Adam and Eve...We're told that Adam and Eve chose to go their own way, to explore outside of the boundaries given to them by their maker and as a result, their relationship suffers. This story is immediately followed by the story of their son Cain killing their other son, Abel. Thsi is a rapid, dramatic progression from Adam and Eve to their sons. We've have gone from eating fruit to murder in one generation. Things are falling apart very quickly... Rob Bell, Jesus Wants To Save Christians.

See what I mean? We were in deep stuff almost out of the gate. When we start to desire to dwell in possibility, we need to go to where the action is. Where there truly is the hope, that it is so. Jesus told us to go out and be witnesses. What would the correct response be for a witness? To me, it would be what do you know and when did you know it. An explanation of first hand knowledge - not something over heard or had explained to you but having actual experience with. If there is any value in human DIP, it would only be in their witness, their lived out experience. They may help you understand and direct you toward the Possibility Dweller but only He is worthy. I think I understand more everyday that no matter what, anything is possible and that my friends, is my witness to you. Going from a girl who had no trust to one who has much now. Not because I think all will be good and happy and safe but because when it isn't, as it will be at times for each of us, I know where to go for comfort and Love. That is where I dwell, where I live and where I place my hope...