A few hours after the devastating loss of our beloved BSU, the Thanksgiving flu that had a hold of Keaton, spread to our house. DH had gone to bed early because of an early wake up call for work but never made it. By 4AM, we were well on our way to an horrific rest of the weekend, just starting to settle down Sunday night.
At first, I wondered if it was the shock of our kicker missing 2 field goals but as 2/3 of The Thanksgiving guests came down with the same thing, decided it was not. It is not the loss per se, that bothered me but how we loss.
By now, everyone knows that our kicker missed a 26 yard attempt that put us into overtime and a few minutes later, missed a 29 for the win. When Nevada got the ball, their kicker was successful from a longer vantage point. Even as Coach Pete and Kellen Moore were been so supportive, I couldn't help to think about our kicker and truly, in the midst of a flue coma, I started praying. Later the news would report that the family almost immediately started getting threatening phone calls, While BroncoNation is know for its overwhelming support, that same passion can go the other direction. Yes, he missed 2 field goals that were almost unmissable but let's start from there and help him and his family move on.
I don't know much about football but I know a bit about people. Until this football season is over, this will be in our minds. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, but for this man, it will never go away.
When he is in his thirties, later in his forties and for the rest of his days, he will never forget. He will replay it in his mind over and over and over again. I truly believe it could drive himself crazy if he doesn't get some help. He will need to learn some coping skills that will allow himself to be human. He will have to learn to like himself again,
Gage ran into his room crying with the loss. He was inconsolable, said he hated football. Probably the most healthy response he could have. He had spent Thanksgiving explaining how the BSC was going to shake out in grave detail. On Black Friday. he was so happy when it looked like Alabama was going to pull off an upset.
Someone started a FB page for our kicker,
we still love you, being the theme. I hope one day soon, he can say the same thing about himself...