on the road, again...
I never did see his mom and dad. I followed him through Costco to get a glimpse of his Story. He dragged Buttercup down a few aisles and in the end, he was just taking him back to the ranch. Imagine that he dragged the horse to his parents and they said, NO. At least he decided to do the right thing and take Buttercup back to the barn.
Ever grab Something and decide against it and then, don't put it back where you got it from but leave it wherever you are? Not proud to say, I have. In a hurry, don't want to walk clear back across the whole store. There is a host of reasons but the bottom line is, not of them hold much water. I really hate it when someone puts something that requires refrigeration and leaves it out to spoil but that doesn't disregard or lessen, my own negligence.
I don't do it often but I have. I can say that about alot of things in my life. Things I am not proud of but that is part of being human. The good news is we can ll learn to change some of the things about being human that aren't attractive. We can do better, it just takes a bit more effort.
My little friend understood that. He had a special place in his heart for Buttercup whether he was able to take him home or not. It is a little thing but we Big People know that little things lead to Big Things and the sooner we learn that, the better humans we will be...