an August Story...
This is an August Story, George Will on whether building the mosque 2 blocks would be in the forefront next month.
Several of you are living your August Story, this week. Your lives are changing and will never be the same. You are sending your girls off to start the beginning of the rest of their lives. They are leaving home and you. Not only them but the the loss of the lives they have had, they are taking with them. Friends at the house, hanging out with brothers and sister. They will take the contents of their bedrooms with them. Their hair products, toothbrush and all those things that you wish they would have picked up more. You will mo longer see their clothes in your laundry. The truth is your first born, is making her own way.
Her leaving is your August Story. September will not be pain free but the difficult part of saying goodbye, will be done. This time next month, you might still find yourself in tears but you will also find yourself immersed in some kind of project because that is what we women do, in part, to heal and move on.
You have both been in my thoughts and prayers and in my wildest dreams, the three of us have sat down at Flying M. I watch as you tell each other your Story and I realize how little the world really is. After a good cry, I watch you hug each other, virtual strangers no more.
You are both strong, wonderful women and I am in awe of you both. Can't wait to catch up with you and watch you as you walk through and right into September. A new month, a new story. Thank you for letting walk with you and sharing your hearts...