journaling your life...

Even those of us who love words, sometimes are not good at journaling. I have tried at different times of my life to keep a ongoing journaling and have never been successful. I have a church journal that I write in at church. most of the time filling up 5-10 pages. Never at a loss for things to write about and usually about things non-church related. Complete with drawings, quotes and scrapbook ideas - it always amazes me.

A blog may be considered by some, a journal but I am not throughly convinced. I rarely go back and read a post and most days, by noon - couldn't tell you what the post the day before was about. The pictures on the other hand, stay with me for ever.

This photo is not so much about my wonderful bike as my bike liner. Made with lots of love, the Story that goes with it will always be with me because of this photo. I will remember that she made it with her own hands, picking out the perfect fabric without asking because she knew. I didn't even see the dingle balls coming but could not be happier. A gift that I can never repay.

I have lots of photos of different things in my life that I treasure. They remind me that words are not always necessary or needed. A photo can tell a Story, document an event or prove a point.

When words and photos stand alone, their power is single focused. Your eye is directed directly on them. You see what is in front of you. When words and photos mix, your allegiance is divide and you must choose where to go first and second. Add some bold color and you have somewhere else to spread your eye.

If journaling is not your thing and you would like to keep some kind of record, you might check out They send you a email each evening and all you do is reply and they store it for you. They also remind you of your reply a week earlier. Have been doing it for a few weeks now and it has been fun.

Somedays, it is words and others, it is the photos. There is a place for both and a place for each of them, separately. The pictures frames in my house are filled with photos and just a few words. My layouts are a mix of all three. Years from now, I hope I have left an idea of not only pictures of birthday parties, Christmas and the first day of school but also about the Stories that can only be told in words. It is never too late to start - today is as good as any...