googling my bad self...
I don't know why she came to mind so vividly this weekend. I think about her often, around her birthday, holidays and have so many fond memories. How could you not with a friend that you spent 30 years with? I haven't talked to her in six years and the reasons why are diverse and multiple and I am good with where we are. If she called tomorrow, I would be right there. She will always carry a bit of my heart around with her.
Maybe that is why I smiled when I read on FB from her kids that they were all in town for her dad's 90th birthday. I must have felt her. Do I believe in that kind of thing? Sure do. Hope they had a wonderful time and celebration.
So, we all move on. With the extra time I have, there are lots of things to do - Like Google myself. At least every week for the last 58 years, someone has commented on my name. I use to hate my name. Was determined to change my name to Sally at 18, a name everyone could pronounce correctly but money and laziness set in and zalaine, re named. The Internet makes searching for things just a click away and why I hadn't thought of it before, will remain a mystery but guess what?
I found 2 more Zalaines'. Both on My Space, one is a young 18 year old girl in Zimbabwe and the other one, goes by the name Zalaine Star and has quite the photos on her MS page. Zalaine Star, doesn't that sound so cha cha? I might have to hear that Story. Maybe we should start a club! Seems we are not close to one another so there wouldn't be any mix ups in getting the wrong Zalaine Star. Maybe D would like one of the other Zalaine's. If I ever hear from her again, I'll ask...