
We had a lot going on this weekend. The fall carnival at school on Friday night where our primary responsibility was to man the fishing booth,which we took very seriously until we were relieved by teenagers. In between we tried to see how many tickets we could buy and spend as fast as possible. I kept reminding the kids that the Cakewalk game needed some ticket Love but gave up that dream when I found out that it was only one cupcake per winner. WHAT KIND of cakewalk is that! Thinking of running for PTO president next year, specializing the all things cake!

Saturday was the birthday party scene and we had two of them to go to.. 85 and 18, quite a spread to get your mind around. One knowing that most of her birthdays are behind her and the other, getting ready to party like a rock star.

Both had cake and you got more than a cupcake size. DH got to visit with his aunt and cousins. All the cousins are now of retirement age so the conversations swirled around when and when. Aunt C is the only surviving sibling and while she is as spry as can be, every birthday is a big deal now. Did I mention,there was a lot of cake?Shelbie is just starting out. A rave to celebrate her HIPAA-age. Still a child but privacy is now on her side. She is a premier soccer player and has the college tuition to show it. Heading off to OS next fall, she is ready to go. Good cake and I was offered seconds.

Walked away with some awesome pics, not of faces but of places. Places we have been, seen and are going, I left the documenting up to the families and took the shots that would tell the back story. There were a lot of back Stories this weekend. Some made me laugh, many made me cry. You may imagine I am talking about the one who has lived for 85 years but that would not be the case even though she has a wonderful Story to tell. You can live a lot of life in 18 years. Thank you both of sharing your cake with me - I will never forget it...

PS Dear PTO, I will be available most days to help you fill in the cake blanks... One cupcake, really? Sincerely KGM nana.