The kids are off this week so we have been experiencing marathon sleepovers. Started with Keaton on Sunday. Keaton is our mall rat. That is where he likes to go and look around. He has his favorites and See's candies is always a must stop. This was also his first time at an Apple store and that didn't hurt my feelings.
Monday was Gage's turn. After a photo op at Cabela's, directed by Gage in various parts of the store and with many of his special friends, he too, wanted to head to the mall. We do have enough photos and video to start a blog for him and sounds like that is what he is planning - God help us! Anyway, the mall...
He wanted to see the Apple store too so off we went but not before going in and out of most stores at the mall at a pace that could only be descibed as Lance Armstrong-ish. The dude had me running, finally landing at The Big White Store. He LOVED the Apple store. He loved it as much as Keaton, if not more. He couldn't believe you could play Angry Birds as much as you wanted to. There must be Something about the whiteness of an Apple store that welcomes you, begs you to stay. Discussed the value of a Touch with my favorite salesgirl and can home with a list of new apps to check out. Gage is my iPad freak boy. To watch him on the iPad is magic. There is wonder in watching a child and how natural technology comes to them. They never have any questions and seem to know it all effortlessly - blows me away.
After the movies today, it will be Morgan's turn. No Apple store for her. It will be about babies and ice cream. She informed me yesterday that she is going to ask Santa for a baby sister for Christmas. First, she was praying to God for a sister, now Santa. I am afraid, very very afraid and tired. Very, very tired!