growing up...
After our annual family fall shoot, we decided it was our 6th time.
This guy was just a young teen when we started, his sister even younger. There would be groans every year to get this less than an hour photo ops, on the calendar. I remember most of these shoots had collective sighs and lots of texting in between. They are good kids, just not into the smile and shoot thing.
This year, was different. This year, the kids were relaxed, made suggestions and acted like they had no place to be. I didn't see one cell phone. I saw them enjoying themselves. Their mommy is a photographer so I took shots of her taking her own kids pictures. I love that. In just under an hour, we had family photos but maybe even the bigger thing was watching these kids grow into themselves. They have become adults in their own right and now, I think understand how important these annual photos are to their mom. I am so proud of them!
I don't know how many more years we will be taking these fall photos but even if things change, I can't wait for the day my friend's grandbabies start coming along and I am going to beg for the chance to take pictures of her taking their pictures. Growing up isn't always fun, change isn't always fun but Sometimes, it is absolutely fabulous...