cabin fever...

Today was a snow day. Tomorrow may also be a snow day, the school district is trying to decide right now. If we get the 4-7 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow - Friday will be snow day #3. Since we only have one snow car, it gives me time to ponder. Maybe more time than I would naturally take because Feeling Groovy and cabin fever aren't always, simpatico.

Last night, I heard a mother whose son is in deep trouble, give this sound advice -The world would be a better place if everyone acted like their mothers were looking over their shoulders. I think she is right. I have seen grown men who were more afraid of their mothers than any law enforcement officer. She may have something there.

Rudy Guiliani and John Edwards dropped out of the GOP today. After Super Tuesday next week - we will know if the Republicans will choose John McCann or Mitt Romney to face Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. Barack will be in Boise this weekend - will be interesting to see how he is received. He is obviously in Red State territory but that may be changing too. The state has seen such an influx of people in the last four years - they can't ALL be Republicans! Will be interesting to watch.

Light at the end of the tunnel - I keep reminding myself that it can't snow forever. I will get to see my grandbabies soon and not to be irritated that Walmart already has spring clothing on display. Costco had bathing suits out last week. It may even bother me more than Christmas ornaments in August. Must keep the Big Picture in front of me.

When life hands you cabin fever, be grateful...