It was suppose to be 1-3 inches. That is what the news said. By noon, it was up to 8 inches. It stopped a bit ago but it has starting again. DH still is not home and he may have to just eat, change and head back to be on time for tomorrow. It is so quiet in the neighborhood. No one is walking down the street and the white is white.
It is on days like this that I think about a certain group of people, the homeless. Actually, I think about them alot. When I am laying in my warm, cozy bed at night with my full tummy and warm pj's, I think about them. I know a little about them - my father was one. My experience was not a pleasant one. I had to deny him room at my home. Not because of space but because of the safety of my own family. There was still guilt involved. Anyone who has had a similar experience knows of what I speak. There is a great part of the homeless population that fall into the same circumstances that my father found himself in.
Now days, there are families and teens who have joined the ranks of the homeless. Many of them have no families to turn to - either out of their choice or someone else's. There are many reasons people find themselves in this situation and however they got there - there is always hope that is it a Season of life and not a lifestyle. My experience tells me that people can be stubborn and often make choices that affect their lives in a negative way. We always have a choice whether we know it or not.
There are those tonight that will have to stay awake all night just to be safe. There will be those who will not have enough food to feed their families. There will also be those who have collected enough money to buy a bottle of beer or a bit of their drug of choice. I know that God loves them all. They belong to Him and my experience also tells me that there is hope.
My father died in the hospital of alcohol poisoning - that is how his death certificate reads. The morning after he died, we went to the last apartment he had been staying in and cleaned it out. When we got into his car, the radio came on and it was tuned to a christian radio station. There was no way that was possible. We were pretty much blown away. No one could have put it there but him. I knew that then that Jesus had been talking to him. I don't know how their last conversation went - I don't need to. The radio was enough for me.
Tonight, I will think of these people. I will grieve for them out in the cold. I will pray for them and I will believe, because I know, they are not alone. There is One who stays with them, His Love is so much greater than ours. I wish I could tell them about hope. Maybe they will find Him and His hope will becomes theirs. I can only pray...