income tax...

Income taxes are a necessary evil. I really wouldn't mind a bit if I thought the monies were going to help people or our country but I have seen too many Fleecings of America segments to know how our money is really used.

The whole ordeal of paying taxes has been a nightmare for years. Today, I can honestly say, I loved it. Turbo Tax and 15 minutes and I was done. Took 5 more minutes to print up all my forms. We are in the season of life where the standard deduction is the larger benefit for us. We are now at the place where the government is not using our money throughout the year. I get a little back from state and owe the feds a little bit. After I pay my efile fees, I am only in the hole for $33.90. That I can live with.

I still am not sure why the government can't come closer to taking our their fair share every payday. Turbo Tax seems to be able to remember all my information from year to year so it doesn't seem to be out of the realm of possibility, even for the IRS.
Maybe the IRS should outsource this whole deal to Turbo Tax? Let them deal with the headaches of who owes what. Punch each person's deductions and credits in a database and let er rip. Give those poor IRS people a break. Let someone else take over the nasty phone calls and big sighs when they see a letter from Turbo Tax.

I KNOW it is not that simple. I remember when it was too much and we had someone else figure it all out for us but I can't say that I wasn't as giddy as a kid in a candy store today when in less than a half hour, I started and finished my responsibilty to the IRS and the State of Idaho and boy, does it feel good...