The 74-year-old woman who is suspected of dumping condiments in a library book return bin on multiple occasions was rearrested Monday Idaho Statesman.
We are talking putting mayonnaise on top of returned books in the big bin. She had been doing it for months. Mustard, ketchup - no condiment was immune from her wrath. Betting mental evaluation will not be much of a surprise.
Our claim to fames have been pretty subtle. Mostly potatoes until all the movie starts found skiing in Sun Valley to be fun. A recent Newsweek survey put a neighboring town Meridian, at 60 out of 600 and Idaho Falls at 90. The state capital and my city were nowhere to be found.
Closer to home, any claim to fame I might personally have, involved family and police so the tendency would be to downplay those events. Ths thing about these CTF is that our self esteem either invisibly inflates or deflates when they come along. That is a big wave to try to sail. The truth is you are your own person and while those close to you may influence that truth, it doesn't change it.
I imagine if this woman was my mother, grandmother, sister, or neighbor. Would I be singing the same tune? I hope so. I have been in family situations like this and worse but I was younger and completely overwhelmed. I hope I would be smarter now and make better choices which would include, just say no.
I wouldn't trade my life with anyone. I wouldn't have missed this ride, bumps and all for anything. You can't make this stuff up. It is the Real Deal and that is claim to fame enough for me.