the mystery of a man...

and there are several, or many. We women can make a mountain of any, and I mean any, molehills. We smell fire long before there is any evidence of a potential burn. Life and things roll off their backs like water on a duck. Their relationships are way less complicated than us and while I don't like to admit it, some of their ways are better than ours.

Who but someone of the male species would think that while having a yard sale with gobs of strangers in your yard, this would be a good time to play a game? I must admit if yard sales were up to most men, there would be very few. We did see on on Friday, a lone man with man stuff out in his garage. Gage wanted to stop SO Badly but because it was men stuff, mommy - not so much. I do notice though, if it is a good sale and you are selling lots of stuff - they will go grab things off the walls to make this thing even more of a success but mainly, they are just passing time the best way they know how.

Sometimes, I think I have the ways of a man all figured out and then, mine goes and does something I never could have imagined like offering to trade his motorcycle for a 66 VW bug. Shocked me. You never know what they are thinking and it is that mystery that keeps us women intrigued. Lucky for them...