Kids imitate everything. Everything that comes across their paths. Last week I shared my Old Spice video with the gk and Keaton has already memorized some of it. Not only do they imitate but they use the same dialect, or dress up to play the part.
I know we all now this. We watch our language, tell Stories that need to stay in the family, quiet but there is a whole lot that gets pass that gate. It is virtually impossible to live one kind of life on the outside and another on the inside and even more impossible to do it thru an entire child's childhood. Live the life you want your kids to see and the rest will take care of itself. You can't protect them from the world but you can give them the tools to take with them when the leave thru the front door.
Don't be upset when they do imitate you. I knew someone who would be highly offended if imitated. Seems like a very selfish thing to do. Never having anyone in my life that I want to imitate, seems like it might have been nice... to have someone, something to strive for.
Kids are going to imitate, no matter what. The only thing you get to choose is what you put out there...