Is there not enough paper in your life? Why are we wringing our hands about the demise of paper as the economic gating factor for ideas? In fact, some of the trees I know are delighted that we've found a better, faster, cheaper way to spread ideas.
If the demise of paper means that good people doing good work in important industries will have to find faster and better ways to do their jobs, I don't think that's a bad thing. Seth Godin
Everyday I am reminded that we live is a world that at its core, is a dicotomy by nature, What is coming out of our mouths is the exact opposite of what we want. We can't help ourselves, whether politics, church or family...we will do anything to perserve our ideal, no matter what. Change or demise are usually persieved as fighting words.
MSNBC reported this week that since Amazon reduced the price of their Kindle, ebooks sales have surpassed paper sales. Less than 2 weeks. With the speed of change in our world, history is being rewritten every day. What was not only viable but seemingly bulletproof is a instant. I admit since I got the iPad, the thoughts of a laptop has left my brain. I am no longer compelled and drawn to the computer section at Best Buy, the Pad has fulfilled my every need. My new mantra is, there must be an app for thatbut as in every genre of life, there will always be some, who for many different reasons will fight and try to keep the status quo. God love em, they can't help themselves anymore than I can keep myself from diving in head first.
We made the switch from a paper newspaper to a digital world. There were a few bumps and bruises for DH but he has a Favorites folder filled with more comics than he could ever read so all is well. I am no tree hugger but how many trees does it take to keep us supplied with paper when we could do most of it without as much as one tree. I like a bookcase full of books as well as the next guy but really, isn't it time to let our intense need go and give the paper back to the trees?
What else will we have to give up or will die a quick death in the future? The future seems to come quicker and quicker. Read last week than in less than 5 years, you will no longer feel a needle going into your arm, the micro needle is on its way. We have and will continue to see the demise of many more things at a much more rapid pace. What are you holding today that may be gone tomorrow or that you will be using in a completely different way? Not sure but imagine that it will be more and faster than what we expect and I don't want to miss a thing...